Where to find us

Please find our product line by looking through the online shop. You can find our products at the Warehouse Market in Halifax in the North End Wed-Sat. Also, Wednesday to Sunday you can find Gold Island Bakery items at Neighbourhood Goods Store, the new store being operated by the Brewery Farmers' Market. You can also order our stuff online in multiple ways! You can order through Norbert's Good Food Box for pick up and delivery on Wednesdays in the city and in Hubbards.

Also, you can order direct from us this through this very website! At checkout, you can order for delivery within the Halifax peninsula or have your order ready for pick up at the Brewery Market (1496 Lower Water Street) on Wednesdays (at the Neighbourhood Goods Store from 10 am until 3 pm) or from our booth during the Saturday market (8-1).

If you want to pick up your order from our shop on the South Shore, please select Lunenburg Market Pickup in our online store. We send orders down for pick up every Thursday, available for pick up from 11 am until 3 pm. If you are interested in combining our products with amazing stuff from the Lunenburg Market, consider ordering direct from the Lunenburg Market's own Online store for pick up on Thursdays (11-3).

Online ordering not your thing? You can pick up our breads and other goods fresh in Lunenburg on thursdays and fridays from The Seaberry. On the weekends we stock Chicory Blue with goods, so if you are in or near Blockhouse- check them out.

We are doing our best to get our products to our customers in this strange covid-19 reality we live in. Thanks for your support and patience!